Why is Leasing the Affordable Alternative?
Monthly lease payments are more affordable for your business than a large, lump sum, equipment purchase.
With leasing, you can afford the extras and get the equipment your business really needs.
Your purchasing power is also increased through leasing. The working capital for your business is
conserved, not fixed to depreciating equipment. Invest in appreciating opportunities, not depreciating equipment!
What are the Advantages of Leasing?
- Get a Tax Break:
In most cases, montly lease payments may be deducted as an operating expense, making payments 100% tax deductible.
- Make Budgeting Easy:
Regular lease payments simplify accounting procedures, eliminates depreciation scheduling, and ensure consistent control
over equipment expenditures.
- Diversify Your Financing Sources:
Keep your options open! Leasing allows you to diversify your financing sources so your business is not dependent on one
financial institution or tying up your lines of credit.
- Planned Equipment Replacement:
Computer technology, as well as many other types of equipment, can quickly fall victim to obsolescence. Lease financing
offers great alternatives to accomodate add-ons, trade-ups or complete technology refreshments. Ensure that you and your
business remain productive and up-to-date.
Can I Qualify for Lease Financing?
Leasing is especially beneficial for established businesses (more than two years in operation), and commissioned
sales representatives. We also have a program for newer businesses. Individual applicants who have been
in the same line of employment for two or more years may also qualify for lease financing.
What are My Options at the End of The Lease?
At the end of the lease you may: Purchase the equipment for the Agreed Purchase option; Upgrade the
equipment to new and better technology; or Return the equipment with no obligation.